PDRL Withdraws Drone Compliance Support From Garuda Aerospace

PDRL Withdraws Drone Compliance Support From Garuda Aerospace

To whomsoever it may concern, 

PDRL publicly announces withdrawal of its product AeroGCS support from Garuda Aerospace with effective from 16th September 2024 due to pending dues.

As per DGCA process, every drone manufacturer has to get type certification for its drone model to start its production and sell in the market. The type certification process requires huge software compliance as defined in https://www.dgca.gov.in/digigov-portal/jsp/dgca/homePage/viewPDF.jsp?page=InventoryList/headerblock/drones/Drone%20Rules%202021.pdf . PDRL’s AeroGCS offers required compliance support as one of the features of AeroGCS product. 

Garuda Aerospace’s drone model called GA-AD has been type certified using AeroGCS software product. The type certificate of GA-AD as displayed here https://qcin-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/csrpas_qcin_org/ERjY4GVGmC5IvkZUvijNqnABbR9hn-xCisXc-f7SW8zCXg?e=WqQy5k clearly shows AeroGCS product as GCS app version. As per type certificate compliance, all subsequent units of GA-AD drone model Garuda Aerospace must manufacture and sale in the market using AeroGCS application. PDRL has sold a total of 741 AeroGCS license to Garuda Aerospace for their drone model number GA-AD. However, effective from 16th September, PDRL is withdrawing all compliance support from Garuda Aerospace due to non-payment of AeroGCS license.

Any number of drones of model GA-AD above 741 should be considered as non-type certified drones as PDRL has stopped supplying AeroGCS licenses to Garuda Aerospace. This suspension will be applicable until all pending dues are paid by Garuda Aerospace. The list of total drones manufactured of model GA-AD is available at https://digitalsky.dgca.gov.in/issued_uins . Existing and any new customer looking to buy GA-AD is recommended to verify that drone of this model is delivered customer is legally compliant.

For any further information, PDRL team is reachable at info@pdrl.in.