IET Karmaveer Expo – 2023

‘Karmaveer Expo – 2023’ was a flagship event organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering on April 29th, 2023. In collaboration with the K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research, this event showcased a National Level working model contest and project exhibition. The response from students across various engineering colleges in and around Nashik was overwhelming, with over 500 students and faculties from all departments of KKWIEER attending.

Representing the PDRL (Passenger Drone Research Limited), Mrs. Vaishali Lele, Mr. Vishal Joshi, Mr. Deepak Misal, and Mr. Abhishek Simon were present at the event to address student queries and concerns.

Let’s take a glimpse into the IET Karmaveer Expo – 2023